Package comparison calculator

Monthly cost
Personal account
Debit card
Free of charge overdraft on personal account**
Number of free of charge transactions (via web, direct debit or standing order)
Number of free of charge withdrawals at ATMs of other banks in the EUR area*
Credit card**
Security SMS on debit card
Security SMS on credit card
Plus card insurance
Overdraft facility on personal account
Free of charge withdrawals at ATMs of other banks in the EUR area
Deposit of coins to a personal account
Free withdrawals at SKB and NKBM ATMs and ATMs of the members of the OTP Group in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania , Bulgaria, Ukraine, Albania and Moldova
Special benefits
Number of free transactions with Flik
Membership fee and use of SKB NET and MOJ@SKB
Monthly use of MOJ@SKB and SKB NET
More about the product

*Potential foreign bank's costs which can be charged by the bank - ATM owner are excluded.
**The amount of overdraft for the package holder’s personal account and card account is subject to approval which is conducted according to the Bank's business policy.
***Unlimited means as part of usual household consumption.

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