


How do I choose a fund that is right for me? 30. 12. 2020

First, ask yourself for what purposes you need the money and in how much time.


Fundamentals of saving in funds 30. 12. 2020

Investing in mutual funds is significantly easier and simpler than in other investment classes (stocks, bonds, deposits) and suitable for everyone. 


Why invest in mutual funds? 30. 12. 2020

Savings in mutual funds are intended to achieve long-term financial goals.


When does it make sense to start saving? Why are funds a good form of saving? 30. 12. 2020

You can expect the most from saving for distant goals if you save regularly and start saving as soon as possible. Before you start saving, it is crucial that you set goals, expectations, and time horizons for saving.


What is an umbrella fund and what is an umbrella fund sub-fund? 30. 12. 2020

There exists the umbrella fund and the umbrella fund’s sub-fund. An umbrella fund is a mutual fund consisting of two or more sub-funds defined by a specific investment objective and investment policy.


What is a savings plan? 10. 12. 2020

A savings plan is a form of regular periodic (e.g. monthly) savings. It is especially suitable for investors who do not yet have a large amount of financial savings, and those who wish to gradually save in selected funds.


What is a mutual fund? 10. 12. 2020

Mutual funds are not fictional. It is an investment in a basket of various stocks or bonds of well-recognized, globally established companies that produce the products we use on a daily basis (Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, McDonalds, Google, Johnson & Johnson, Heineken, Roche holding, Novartis, etc.).


What investing or investment is and why should one invest? 10. 12. 2020

Investing or investment is a way of using one’s own money in order to increase their assets in the long run. Investments are something that you buy or where you invest your money to enrich your assets. If your goal is to increase your assets in the next 5 years, investing is the right answer for you.